24.11.1820/Establishing the Committee of Constructing the Monument to T. Kościuszko
Years of work followed. It was done by volunteers and paid labourers from surround lands, as well as Poles visiting Krakow. It was funded by the donations made by Poles from all the partitioned lands. People from all background and pedigree contributed, be it a single penny from the poor to great amounts from rich land-owners. The cause brought the ravaged and separated nation together.
During the construction, soil from Maciejowice was deposited in the Mound. It was sent in 1821 by Izabela Czartoryska from Pulawy. Later soil from Szczekociny and Dubienka was also placed there. The design and construction was overseen by Szczepan Hubert, an architect, and Franciszek Sapalski, a mathematician. The construction was conducted under the guidance of Committee of Constructing the Monument to T. Kościuszko, established on the 24th of November 1820 by the Ruling Senate of the Free City of Krakow. General Paszkowski was selected as its first president.